Data Explorer Overview

This article provides information regarding Data Explorer.

Data Explorer is a robust reporting feature that allows you to explore, analyze, and understand the data in your system. With Data Explorer, you can select a data source to search within your system, refine the data with custom queries, tailor the results to only the information you need, and export the data.


Access Data Explorer

Data Explorer enables you to create custom queries for Directory (families and members) and Religious Education (Terms, Classes, Sessions, and Students) datasets. Select Data Tools in the main menu to access Data Explorer.

To open Data Explorer, select Data Explorer in the main menu or click the Explore Data button.

Select a Data Source

To begin exploring your data, Select a Data Source to search.

The following data sources are available:


  • Families
  • Members

Religious Education

  • Terms
  • Classes
  • Sessions
  • Students

For more information, please see Select Data Source.

Records from the selected data source are displayed on the results card. For result sets with more than 50 records, the Results card displays a preview of your data; however, your Data Export contains information for the entire set of results. To further refine your data, Add Filter Conditions.

Add Filter Conditions

Adding filter conditions allows you to refine your results to find the precise information you need. As you add filter conditions, the Results card displays only records matching conditions you select. After you have added the filter conditions you need, you can further customize the results card and export the data.

Select a Data Source, and then click the Add Condition (plus sign) icon to begin adding conditions. The Add Filter Conditions article provides full details.

View and Customize Data Explorer Results

You can manage the columns on the Results card to customize the information displayed. You can add and remove columns, move columns to convenient positions in the results, and pin up to three columns to the left side of the Results card. The information included in your Data Export matches the columns you have added to the Results card, including the columns' position.

To begin customizing your results, click the Manage Columns icon on the Results card. For more information, please see View and Customize Data Explorer Results.

Export Data Explorer Results

You can export your Data Explorer results in a CSV or Excel file format. The information included in your Data Export matches the columns you have added to the Results card, including the columns' position, which can be customized when you mange the results columns.

Click the Export button on the Results card to get started. Please see Export Data Explorer Results for full details.

Data Explorer Articles

The following articles contain further information and more detailed instructions for using Data Explorer:

Select Data Source

Add Filter Conditions

View and Customize Data Explorer Results

Export Data Explorer Results

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