View and Customize Data Explorer Results


This article describes a feature available through Early Access, and the following information only applies to Early Access for this feature. To learn more, please see Early Access Overview.


This article provides steps to manage the columns in your Data Explorer Results.

After Selecting your Data Source and Adding Filter Conditions, you can manage the columns on the Results card to customize the information displayed.  You can add and remove columns, move columns to convenient positions in the results, and pin up to three columns to the left side of the Results card. For result sets with more than 50 records, the Results card displays a preview of your data; however, your Data Export contains information for the entire set of results.



Complete the following steps to manage the columns in your Data Explorer Results:

View Results

To view results, Select your Data Source and Add Filter Conditions. The results card displays records from the data source that match the conditions you set. For result sets with more than 50 records, the Results card displays a preview of your results; however, your Data Export contains information for the entire set of results.

Sort Results

You can sort the results card by the data in any column. Click the column header to sort the results card by the data in the column in an ascending or descending order.

Note* The sorting function sorts results based on the entire results set, not just the preview.

Default Columns

The Results card displays a default set of columns for each respective data source (Families or Members); however, you can use the manage columns feature to customize the information displayed.


Manage Columns

Data Explorer provides a robust set of options to help you customize the information displayed on the results card, including moving, pinning, adding, and removing columns. The results card updates automatically as you manage the columns. When you Export your Data, only the data for the columns listed on Results card is exported, so you can concentrate on the information you need.

On the Results card, click the Manage Columns icon to customize the information displayed.

Move Columns

You can move columns into the order you need. Moving a column toward the top of the Manage Columns side sheet moves the column to the left on the results card; moving a column toward the bottom of the Manage Columns side sheet list moves the column to the right on the results card.

1. Click and hold the drag handle on the column name.

2. Drag and drop the column to your desired position in the list.

Note* You cannot move an unpinned column above the pinned column(s) at the top of the side sheet. If you want to move a column into the pinned columns area, you must pin the column.

Pin Columns

Pinning a column keeps the column of data pinned to the left side of the results card.

1. Click the ellipsis on the column you want to pin to view the drop-down menu.

2. In the drop-down menu, select Pin column.

Note* No more than three columns can be pinned at a time. You can reorder pinned columns by moving them within the pinned column area.

Unpin Columns

1. Hover over the Pin Icon to view the ellipsis.

2. Click the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.

2. In the drop-down menu, select Unpin column.

Remove Columns

Removing a column removes the column from the results card and from your data export. Removed columns can be added back into the results if you need.

1. Click the ellipsis on the column you want to remove.

2. In the drop-down menu, select Remove column.

Add Columns

A default list of columns is displayed on the Results card for each Data Source. You can add further columns of information to the results card, including any columns you previously removed.

1. At the bottom of the Manage Columns side sheet, click Add column.

2. In the drop-down menu, select an Entity (Family or Member).

Note* For the Families Data Source, only family-level information can be displayed on the Results card. For the Members Data Source, you can select to include either member-level or family-level information.

3. Select a column to include on the Results card.

Note* Columns marked with an arrow contain further selections to be made.

Add All Columns

You can add all available columns at once for a selected Data Source.

Note* Adding all columns adds only columns for the selected Data Source. For example, adding all columns for the Members Data Source adds all Member Entity Columns only; you can still add Family Entity columns to the Member Results card as you need.

1. Click the More Options (gear) icon on the Manage Columns side sheet.

2. In the drop-down menu, select Add all columns. All remaining columns for the selected Data Source are added to the end of the columns list.

Restore Defaults

You can restore the default columns to the Results card, including the position and pinning of columns.

1. Click the More Options (gear) icon on the Manage Columns side sheet.

2. In the drop-down menu, select Restore Defaults.

Close Manage Column Side Sheet

All updates made in the Manage Column side sheet are automatically applied. Click the Close button to close the side sheet and return to the Results card.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing.

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