Track Individual Member Separately

This article provides steps to track a member separately.

When a Directory member is marked Track Separately, the system tracks certain data associated with that individual separately from the data of the family to which they belong. For example, once a member is tracked separately, the member is given his or her own envelope number and can be added individually to envelope lists. The member's address can also be updated separately from the family address. Finally, the member's contributions are tracked separately from the family's contributions. Therefore, the tracked separately member receives his or her own contribution letter when you run the Tax Report.

If a family has more than one matched Public Account in Online Giving, the accounts are not automatically set as Track Separately, and data from each Public Account will be reflected in the family contributions.

Note* When an individual is tracked separately, the individual’s data still appears on the family contribution page; however, the individual’s contributions are NOT included in the Family Tax Letter.


Complete the following steps to track a member separately:

1. In Directory, search for and select the member to view the Member Detail page.

Note* Heads of Household cannot be tracked separately. To track a current head of household separately, first Change the Head of Household to spouse, and then track the member separately.

2. On the Member Detail card, click the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.

3. In the drop-down menu, select Track Separately.

Note* If no envelope number has been set for the family, Track Separately will not appear in the drop-down menu. Set an Envelope Number at the family level before tracking the member separately.   

4. Enter a New Envelope Number. If auto-increment is enabled in Directory Settings, the next available envelope number appears in the field. You can override the auto-incremented envelope number and set the number manually if you prefer.

5. Click the Track Separately button.   

The member's individual envelope number is updated, and the Envelope Lists card appears on the Member Detail page. The member's address can now be updated individually as well.

The Tracked Separately member's individual envelope number also appears on the Member card on the Family Members page.

You can remove the Track Separately status from a member if needed. For more information, please see Remove Track Separately.

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