Download Sacramental Certificates from Directory

 This article provides steps to download and print a prepopulated Sacramental Certificate from Directory.

In order to help you quickly and conveniently provide sacramental information to your members, you can download and print Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and Marriage certificates prepopulated with a member’s sacramental information from the system. Prepopulated certificates display the member's sacramental information along with their name. For Baptismal certificates, the member first, middle, and last name is displayed. All other certificates display the member first and last name. The certificates do not use the preferred name. Prepopulated pdf certificates are available in the member’s sacrament details.

Blank certificates that can be filled out by hand are also available. To download a blank sacramental certificate, please see the Printable Blank Sacrament Certificates.


Complete the following steps to download and print a Sacramental Certificate from Directory:

1. In Directory, search for and select the member whose certificate you want to download.

2. On the member detail page, select Sacraments in the main menu.

3. Click the View Details button for the the sacrament  sacramental certificate you want download: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, or Marriage.

4. On the details card, click the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.

5. In the drop-down menu, select Download Certificate.

6. Open the downloaded file to view the certificate.

You can print or save the certificate to a location on your computer as needed.

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