Diocesan Development Manager (DDM) Lockbox Exports with Pledges
This article provides information about the Diocesan Development Manager (DDM) Lockbox exports for online giving exporting.
The third party ParishSoft Diocesan Development (DDM) Lockbox exports, DDM Contributions and DDM Pledges, are additional online giving export formats that are available to support Diocese. Having a lockbox simplifies the collection and processing of donor payments.
To support diocesan data exports, the diocese needs to set an additional ID value on funds separate from the fund number. For ParishSoft DDM this ID is the "appeal id" and is required for the diocese exports.
This option is hidden from non diocese organizations and only displays in the Church Manager Software list if the organization is a Diocese and Church Manager is not enabled.
Complete the following steps to create a DDM Lockbox export:
1. From Giving click on Online Giving Exports.
2. To view a complete list of supported Church Manager Software in addition to DDM Contributions and DDM Pledges, click on the drop down menu.
3. Make desired selections and click on Export.
Example for DDM Contributions results.
Example for DDM Pledges results. Note Payment Frequency: Weekly-W, Bi-Weekly-B, Monthly-M, Quarterly-Q, Annually-A,One Time-O, Semi-Annually-S
Note* Visual steps are best viewed at full screen. Click Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing.