Search for a Family or Member in Directory
This article provides steps to use the search and filter features to find families or members in Directory.
Using the search and filter features allows you to quickly locate a family or member in Directory. You can use search for a family or member by first name, last name, preferred name, physical address, envelope number, and email address. A range of available filters (used in conjunction with a search or on their own) can help you further refine your results.
The following sections give further details regarding searching and filtering for families / members in Directory.
Searching Directory Entries
Directory search is available on both the Directory Dashboard page and Families and Members page. Searching from the Dashboard page provides you with a quick preview of active families and members, providing you convenient access to the most commonly needed families and members. However, you can perform a full search from either location.
To use search on the Dashboard page, complete the following steps:
1. Go to Directory, and then select Dashboard in the main menu.
2. On the Search card, enter the search information (first name, last name, preferred name, physical address, envelope number, and/or email address) into the Active Families and Members field.
As you type, a preview appears containing results that only include active families and members. If your desired family or member appears in the preview results, select the family or member in the list.
3. To perform a full Directory search, including active and inactive members and using filters, enter the search information and press enter. Search results are listed from most relevant to the least relevant and are affected by any filters selected.
Families and Members Page
To use search on Families and Members page, complete the following steps:
1. Go to Directory, and then select Families and Members in the main menu.
2. On the Families and Members card, enter the search information (first name, last name, preferred name, physical address, envelope number, and/or email address) into the Search Directory field and press enter. Search results are listed from most relevant to the least relevant and are affected by any filters selected.
Filtering Directory Entries
You can filter Directory families and members with or without using the search field. Combined with the search feature, you can quickly find families and members that match both your search and filter criteria.
To apply filters to Directory entries, complete the following steps:
1. Click the Filters button to view the Filters side sheet.
2. Select statuses to Include or Exclude in your results. You can filter results by the following statuses: Registered, Unregistered, Inactive, Active, and Deceased.
3. Click the Apply button to view the Directory entries matching the filter results. The system defaults to the last used filters each time you visit the page, and you can change the filters at any time.
When a filter is Included, families and members matching the filter status are shown in the results. If more than one filter is marked included, the results include families and members that match any of the included filter statuses.
When a filter is Excluded, families and members matching the filter status are excluded from the results. If more than one filter is marked excluded, the results exclude families and members that match any of the excluded filter statuses.
If a status is neither included nor excluded, it is not evaluated and does not affect the results.
You can further refine the results by selecting or deselecting the Families and Members filters, limiting your results to only families or only members.
Viewing Results
Families and members matching your search / filter criteria are shown in a single grid. Select the family or member to view the detail page.
Members are indicated by a person icon.
Deceased members are indicated by a yellow background and a golden cross icon.
Registered Families are indicated by a house icon.
Unregistered Families are indicated by a house in a circle.
Inactive Households or Members are indicated by a yellow background and golden icons.
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