Delete a Religious Education Registration

This article provides steps to delete a Religious Education registration.

The administrator can delete a Religious Education registration. You may need to delete a registration for a student if, for example, a student leaves a program or a registration was made in error.

Only approved pay in-person registrations can be deleted. Deleting the registration for Religious Education does not automatically delete a member's Directory entry. If a Directory entry was created inadvertently when approving a Religious Education Registration, you must Delete the Member from Directory separately.

Registrations with online / scheduled payments cannot be deleted. However, you can update the registration details for any registration, including, for example Editing Student Details on the registration.

You cannot delete unapproved registrations, but you can Reject Unapproved Religious Education Registrations.

Note* if the registration was matched to the incorrect family during approval, it does not have to be deleted. You can instead Rematch an Approved Religious Education Registration.


Complete the steps to delete a Religious Education registration:

1. From Religious Education click on Terms.

2. Select the desired Term to view the details.

3. Select Registration from the main menu.

4. Click on the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.

5. Select Delete Registration.

6. Enter the word DELETE to complete the action.

7. Click on the Delete button.

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