Set up a Food Budget

This article provides steps to set up a food budget.

A food budget can be set up and the numbers for the budget or the actuals can be entered and edited as necessary.


Complete these steps to set up a food budget:

1. Click on Encounter Sessions and Retreats.

2. From Overview select the desired Session.

3. Click on Food in the main menu.

4. Click on Food Budget. (Click here to edit the budget any time.)

5. Enter the numbers for the Budget or Actuals as desired.

6. Click on Save.


1. The number of participants and volunteers can be viewed on the Food Budget.

2. Enter the budgeted amounts into each Budget field.

3. Enter the actual amounts spent into the Actual fields.

4. Take note that $500.00 was budgeted for Meeting 4 and $700.00 was actually spent, resulting in overspending $200.00. 

5. Take note that $600.00 was budgeted for Meeting 5 but only $500.00 was actually spent, resulting in a savings of $100.00. 

6. The state of the overall budget is reflected as being $100.00 over budget for 11 of 11 meetings.

Note* The total budget and what was spent for all meetings is viewable on the Food Plan card.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing. 


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