Find People Using Strategy Filters

This article provides information about the Strategy filters within the Find People feature.

Strategy filters are customizable in Settings and include information about participation in the parish's evangelization and discipleship initiatives. You can query for people who either have, or have not been involved or participating in strategic activities based on your goals.


Complete the following steps to locate the Strategy filters:

1. Click on Accompany Find People.


2. Click on either a Saved Search or create a New Search.

3. Click on the drop-down icon to open the Strategy filters. 

The Strategy filters in this section pertain to information about the participation in various strategic initiatives.

4. Place a checkmark in the box to select the desired queries. 

Make selections based on your specific needs and goals. You can find people who have been involved or participating in strategic activities and those people who are not involved and have not participated in those activities. 

Note* The green checkmark icon indicates selections have been included from the section.

A summary of what has been selected can be viewed. Either click on the See Results button, or go on to another set of filters (Personal Information, Encounter Experiences, Grow Experiences, etc.) before clicking on See Results.


Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing. 

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