Fees Dashboard

This article provides an overview of the Fees dashboard.

When you View Religious Education Term Details, the Fees dashboard displays information on the status of registration fees due for the term as well as past due registrations. This information gives you a high-level understanding of the fee status and can help you determine fees that still need to be collected. 


Fees Dashboard

The Fees dashboard displays the status of registration fees due for the term.

There are three Fee categories displayed in the card:

  • Paid - total amount that has been paid toward the registration fees for the term. 
  • Scheduled - total amount scheduled to be paid through online payment plans toward the registration fees for the term. 
  • Unpaid - amount due from registrations with the full balance remaining before the payment due date.

 Past Due Fees

The dashboard also displays Past Due Fees: the number of registrations with a remaining balance past the payment due date without payments scheduled. To view a list of these registrations in more detail, click the View button.

A payment report populates with registrations meeting the past due status.

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