Delete Camino Personal Access Token

This article provides steps to delete the Personal Access Token for the OSV Giving - Camino API integration.

To give you greater flexibility and control over the OSV Giving – Camino API integration, you can delete the Personal Access Token in Giving settings. Deleting the Personal Access Token breaks the link between OSV Giving and Camino. To reactivate the connection, you can generate a new Personal Access Token.

In addition, the Personal Access Token expires one year from generation to help keep your data secure, which automatically deletes the current token and requires a new one to be generated. Finally, the Personal Access Token is also automatically deleted if Online Giving is deactivated.

For the API documentation, please see OSV Giving - Camino API.


Complete the following steps to delete the Personal Access Token for the OSV Giving - Camino API integration:

1. In the main menu, select Settings.

2. On the Giving Settings card, click the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.

3. In the drop-down menu, select Manage Camino Token.

4. Click the Delete Active Token button.

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